Throughout the thermal cleaning process, your filter(s) are monitored for uncontrolled regeneration or damage to the filter. Our ovens are equipped with multiple filter specifications considered to ensure a proper regeneration process for your specific needs.
* Removal and installation of the filter not included.
* Removal and installation of the filter not included.
* Removal and installation not included.
During the aqueous cleaning process, we clean contaminant soaked filters while clearing out residual ash dust. Recommended for oil & coolant soaked filters, etc.
* Removal and installation of the filter not included.
* Removal and installation of filter not included.
* Removal and installation not included.
The ultrasonic cleaning process is used to create sound waves that agitate the contained liquid, causing cavitation (the implosion of tiny air bubbles within the liquid). The ultrasonic-induced cavitation increases the effectiveness of the aqueous solution improving the efficiency of the cleaning process further.
* Note we do not Ultrasonic clean DOC filters.
* Removal and installation of the filter not included.
* Removal and installation not included.
( Cleaning Recommended at 250,000 - 300,000 miles or 5,000+ hours for optimal results )